Български   3675 NGOs

NGO Profile


Statistics & Additional Information


Field of activity
Arts and culture
Local initiative groups
Youth issues, policies and research
Популяризиране на дейности за младежи,организиране на различни събития и мероприятия в сферата на изкуството и образованието.
Organization Targets
чрез организиране на различни конференции,кръгли маси да популяризира и насърчава дейности,които помагат в образованието на дезата и младежите.

Last Project

Partner in the Project \"Prevention campaign- development of a Strategy for the creation of job opportunities for the Roma community in the city of Samokov financed by the “Bulgarian Center for not-for-profit LAW”
изработване на стратегия за за създаването на възможности за работа на ромската общност в град Самоков


1.The project “Together towards changes through the sport” /2004-2005/ was financed by the United State Agency for International Development (USAID). \r\n2.Project-:” New Hospitality Europass” /2006-2008/ represents the conclusive output of the project “Analysis and Development of a European System of Qualifications and Competences in the Hospitality Sector for Transparency and Recognition Without Borders - New (No–borders European Workers) Hospitality, financed by the European Commission as part of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme, procedure \r\n3. Read it easy\r\nRead it easy 2005-2006- Socrates Lingua \r\n4.A partner in the project “Planning of the local Economic Development of Samokov Municipality”. The project was realized by the Foundation” Institute for Market Economics” and the National Employment Agency /2006-2007

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