Български   3673 NGOs

NGO Profile

Cornerstone Foundation

Cornerstone Foundation

Statistics & Additional Information


Field of activity
Economic development

To provide training, coaching, mentoring in micro enterprise to help aspiring entrepreneurs successfully enter the marketplace.

To bring positive change to communities by promoting the practice of business based on the timeless ethics of Bible.
Organization Targets

To see the development of sustainable communities driven by the impact of committed followers of Christ who use their businesses to reflect biblical values while providing employment and building the capacity of churches to bring positive changes in communities.

Last Project

Обучение „Управление на личните финанси“

Financial Info

Annual turnover for the last year :
5 000 - 20 000

Data Privacy Policy

The data in the organization's profile is provided and updated by the organization. It is processed in accordance with the Data Privacy Policy of the NGO Portal. If you are an individual and have objections to the processing of your data, contact the organization or the NGO Portal at admin@ngobg.info or 02 981 5323. You can obtain up-to-date and official information about the organization through the Commercial Register and Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities.