Български   3672 NGOs

NGO Profile

Next Page Foundation

Statistics & Additional Information


Field of activity
Arts and culture
International and European issues, policies and research
The activities of Next Page Foundation are based on the premise that access to knowledge and information is crucial for people’s participation in shaping the societies they leave in, and for promoting intercutural understanding.
Organization Targets
The Foundation aims at helping the empowerment of underprivileged groups, languages and countries for an equal participation in the global dialogue of ideas. To achieve its aims, Next Page develops cultural programs and projects in the field of books, reading and translations (translation grants, training, policy studies)

Last Project

comiXculture II
comiXculture II is a project hunting for a different approach to differences.
The works of artists like Joe Sacco, Art Spiegelman and Marjane Satrapi prove that the comiX genre (besides its commercial use by multinational companies) has the power to X-ray prejudices and to challenge social inertia and clich?s.
comiXculture II aims at employing the genre’s distinctive combination of drawings and words to tell the real stories of people who are easily labeled as different, pushed to the margins of society or simply ignored because of their ethnicity, culture, religion or sexuality.
To do that, comiXculture II has gathered renowned comiX artists, with backgrounds in socially engaged projects from all around Eastern Europe and from Lebanon. They met twice for joint workshops and personally experienced unusual cultural contexts: the East European artists went to Beirut and the Lebanese illustrators visited Sofia. Now they are drawing comiX, discussing issues of diversity, exploring senses of belonging or never fitting in, crossing cultural borders, facing prejudices and discrimination.

Financial Info

Annual turnover for the last year :
200 000 - 500 000



Data from the Central Registry (Jan 2016).

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Развитието и утвърждаването на духовните ценности, културата, гражданското общество и образованието, като основната й цел е подпомагане развитието на книгоиздаването в България и чужбина за постигане на междукултурен диалог в Балканските страни, страните от Източна Европа и бившия Съветски съюз и други региони.