Български   3672 NGOs

NGO Profile

Minority Studies Society STUDII ROMANI

Statistics & Additional Information


Field of activity
International and European issues, policies and research
Развитие на научното познание
Organization Targets
Научно изследване на различните общности (етнически, религиозни, езикови и т.н.) по света

Last Project

Preservation of Gypsy/Roma Historical and Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria
Проектът предвижда събиране, обработване, дигитализиране и архивизиране на разнообразни материали (архивни документи, ръкописи, фото- и видео-материали и т.н.), свързани с историческото и културно наследство на циганите/ромите в България. Реализира се с финансовата подкрепа на Endangered Archives Programme of the British Library.


Gypsy/Romani Library and Archive “Studii Romani”. 2005-2008. Romano Folkloros. Roma Folklore and Oral History in Romani Language. 2005-2007. Country Assessment and Strategy for Roma Education Fund. 2006. Economic Aspects of the Condition of Roma Women. 2005-2006. Roma and the Labour Markets. 2004-2006. Roma and Roma Organization in Southern Russia. 2003. Creating a Nation – New Ethnic Identities of the Balkan Gypsies. 2000-2002. Create Awareness on Roma and Roma-related Groups (Ashkalie and Egyptians). 1999-2001. Gypsies/Roma in the Past and Modern Times. 1999-2000. Minorities in Dobrudzha and Galicia – a comparative survey. 1999. Rebirth of a Nation? Roma (Gypsy) Question in Eastern Europe. 1997. A Museum Exhibition of Gypsy/Roma Culture. 1996. Public Policy Analysis of the Situation of the Gypsies in United Kingdom. 1995. Roma Folklore and Oral History on the Balkans. 1994-1997. Multicultural Museum Exhibition. 1994-1995. Public Policy Analysis of the Situation of the Gypsies in U.S.A. 1993.