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Be a Peacecrafter in 4 steps!

Be a Peacecrafter in 4 steps!
Migration. Diversity. Empathy. Peace. Youth.

These elements we look to unite in a peaceful whole. We believe in the power of constructive dialogue and the capability of young people to shape the world they want to live in. That’s why we invite you to tackle challenges of polarization in society and to design your own solutions to the challenges you face. Be a Peacecrafter and join us for 6 days, spread throughout October, November and December.

If you are
+ 18 to 26 years of age
+ a resident in Bulgaria
+ refugee or with refugee background living in Bulgaria OR local Bulgarian
+ interested in the topics of migration and tolerance
+ open to share your thoughts and ideas, play and work in a team
+ curious about interactive methods that boost dialogue and social change

Here’s how it goes
You’ll get to know other youngsters through sharing meals and stories, games and an interactive play called polarised theatre. You'll work on a solution to a specific local problem.+ We’ll have a shared dinner on 22 October in Sofia, and then
+ work together 2 full days, 24 - 25 October in a place near Sofia (transport, food and accommodation are covered).
+ We’ll spend 2 full days together, 14 and 15 November, in Sofia to choose, design and prototype your idea, and you’ll have 2 more weeks to implement it with your team.
+ You will present your solutions in a local event that will take place in Sofia in the beginning of December.

For you, this is a great opportunity to
+ meet new friends and learn more about different cultures
+ expand your knowledge on the topic of migration
+ train your empathy ‘muscle’
+ work in a team and learn how to design and implement a solution to a social issue
+ become part of an international community of active youth
REGISTER -> https://eu.jotform.com/IdeasFac…/peacecraft-in-bulgaria-2020

 *This is an Erasmus+ project that takes place in Belgium, Slovenia, Turkey, and Bulgaria, where it is implemented by Ideas Factory in partnership with the wonderful Meeting Points.

Публикувано от:

Фабрика за идеи

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