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Participation of STOIL TsITsELKOV in the management of NGOs


European Association for the Defence of Human Rights - Bulgaria

Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Protection of human rights; International and European issues, policies and research
Official representative: Rumyana Decheva - Predsedatel, Chavdar Gagov - Izpalnitelen Direktor, Stoil Tsitselkov - Zam.-predsedatel
Members of the Board: Rumyana Decheva, Chavdar Gagov, Stoil Tsitselkov, Ivajlo Tsonev, Robert Levi
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Rumyana Hristova Decheva, Chavdar Tsvetkov Gagov, Vyara Vasileva Gancheva, Mariya Dacheva Dimitrova- Angelova, Stoil Ivanov Tsitselkov, Mario Mladenov Petrov, Aleksandar Lachezarov Nemski
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