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Participation of METODI ILIEV in the management of NGOs


Youth Activities and Initiatives Association

Region: Blagoevgrad
Town: Благоевград
Type: Association
Field of activity: Protection of human rights; Arts and culture; Education
Official representative: Angel Vladimirov Angelov
Members of the Board: Angel Vladimirov Angelov, Vladimir Emilov Tsenkov, Branimir Ivanov Mitov, Anita Josifova Dyulgerova, Metodi Jivkov Iliev
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Mladenka Lyubenova Vojnova, Zlatko Vasilev Pavlov, Verka Georgieva Angelska, Krasimira Mircheva Kyupova, Elma Krasimirova Tarnarova


Region: Vidin
Town: Видин
Type: Foundation
Field of activity: Healthcare, patients’ rights; Arts and culture; Education
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Mariyan Grozdanov Antov, Tsvetan Slavchev Simeonov, Tsvetomir Asenov Metodiev, Metodi Filchev Iliev, Vladimir Jordanov Tsvetkov, Borislav Aleksandrov Metodiev
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