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Participation of Kiril Dunev in the management of NGOs


Brotherhood Charity Group Bulgaria

Region: Sofiya
Town: гр.София,
Type: Foundation
Field of activity: Healthcare, patients’ rights; Economic development
Official representative: Zoran Chojbashich, Djordj Abdulrahim Mouseli
Members of the Board: Zoran Chojbashich, Djordj Abdulrahim Mouseli, Vasil Kotsev Vasilev, Simeon Iliev Beshkov, Kiril Nikolov Dunev, Todor Petrov Todorov
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Djordj Abdulrahim Mouseli, Zoran Chojbashich, Vasil Kotsev Vasilev, Simeon Iliev Beshkov, Kiril Nikolov Dunev, Todor Petrov Todorov
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