Български   3672 NGOs

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Participation of KRISTINA HRISTOVA in the management of NGOs


Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria

Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Protection of human rights; Professional organizations; Other
Official representative: Irina Nedeva - Predsedatel
Members of the Board: Boryana Djambazova, Ivan Radev, Iliya Valkov, Kameliya Ivanova, Mariya Cheresheva, Rosen Bosev
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Kristina Angelova Hristova, Mariya Todorova Cheresheva, Kameliya Dimitrova Ivanova, Vladimir Ivankov Ivanov, Ivan Radev, Irina Nedeva, Kliment Hristov

The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate

Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Foundation
Field of activity: Arts and culture; Education; Social
Official representative: Tsvetelina Josifova, Desislava Gavrilova
Members of the Board: Desislava Gavrilova, Tsvetelina Josifova, Kristina Hristova
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