Български   3672 NGOs

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Participation of Ivan Bojkov in the management of NGOs


Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business

Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Branch organizations; Legislation, advocacy, public policies; Economic development
Official representative: Sasho Donchev - Predsedatel Na Us, Bojidar Vasilev Danev - Izpalnitelen Predsedatel
Members of the Board: Georgi Shivarov - Zam.-predsedatel, Dimitar Brankov - Zam.-predsedatel, Kamen Kolev - Zam.-predsedatel, Petar Denev - Gl. Sekretar, Anton Petrov, Vasil Velev, Valentin Zahariev, Velichko Aleksandrov, Ivan Bojkov, Lachezar Tsotsorkov, Orlin Hadjiyankov, Radosvet Radev, Sasho Donchev, Filip Rombaut, Shtefan Shishkovits
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