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Participation of EMIL GOJChEV in the management of NGOs


Association for cross-border collaboration and development - Dunav/Dobrudja

Region: Silistra
Town: Силистра
Type: Association
Field of activity: Economic development
Official representative: Aleksandar Pavlov
Members of the Board: Upravitelen Savet: Ivo Kirilov Andonov, Lachezar Rosenov Georgiev, Emil Ivanov Gojchev, Atanas Ivanov Pechanski, Krasimir Jordanov Petrov, Atanas Georgiev Atanasov, Nazmi Fahridinov Ademov
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Ivo Kirilov Andonov, Lachezar Rosenov Georgiev, Emil Ivanov Gojchev, Atanas Ivanov Pechanski, Krasimir Jordanov Petrov, Atanas Georgiev Atanasov, Nazmi Fahridinov Ademov

Agency for Economic Development and Investments

Region: Silistra
Town: Силистра
Type: Association
Field of activity: Economic development
Official representative: Mariya Stefanova
Members of the Board: Tihomir Borachev, Emil Ivanov Gojchev, Valya Tsekova Tselova, Genadi Krastev Iliev, Pencho Stefanov Kovachev
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Veselin Andreev Andreev, Lyudmil Kralev Stoyanov, Galina Petrova Daskalova
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