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Participation of Daniel Panchev in the management of NGOs


Association for research and development of civil society

Region: Sofiya
Town: гр. София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Protection of human rights; International and European issues, policies and research; Youth issues, policies and research
Official representative: Daniel Panchev
Members of the Board: Aleksandra Josifova, Nikolaj Valkov, Iliyan Yanev, Kostadin Lichkov, Daniel Panchev
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Daniel Stoyanov Panchev, Reni Atanasova Trajkova, Plamen Petrov Blagoev


Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Arts and culture; Education; Physical education and sport
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Anastas Nikolaev Gogov, Anton Kostadinov Valev, Borislava Stanojkova Velichkova, Georgi Simov Simov, Galena Slavcheva Slavova, Daniel Stoyanov Panchev, Dragomir Simeonov Konstantinov, Emil Nikolov Tepavicharov, Martin Iliev Ivanov, Mirela Lyubomirova Aleksandrova, Radostina Vasileva Hristova, Snejana Ivanova Joveva - Dimitrova, Stanislav Slavchev Slavov, Todor Jordanov Todorov, Tsvetomir Emilov Enev
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