Български   3672 NGOs

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Participation of VANYa VALKOVA in the management of NGOs


School Board "Naiden Gerov"

Region: Burgas
Town: гр. Бургас
Type: School Board
Field of activity: Local initiative groups; Youth issues, policies and research; Education
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Dobrinka Nikolova Nikolova, Galina Dimitrova Libcheva, Vanya Ivanova Valkova


Region: Pleven
Town: Плевен
Type: Association
Field of activity: Physical education and sport
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Georgi Konstantinov Velchev - Predsedatel, Iliya Nikolov Nikolov - Zamestnik Predsedatel, Dimitar Gerasimov Pargov - Zamestnik Predsedatel, Georgi Georgiev Getov, Vanya Angelova Valkova
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