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Participation of Adriana Manovska in the management of NGOs



Region: Sliven
Town: Сливен
Type: Association
Field of activity: Education; Children; Social
Official representative: Vanya Vaskova Todorova, Yuliya Ivanova Stefanova, Aneliya Dencheva Peeva
Members of the Board: Vanya Vaskova Todorova, Yuliya Ivanova Stefanova, Aneliya Dencheva Peeva, Adriana Ivanova Manovska, Svetlana Todorova Vasileva, Slavka Mihajlova Kuneva, Todor Atanasov Todorov


Region: Sliven
Town: Сливен
Type: Association
Field of activity: Promotion of philanthropy/volunteerism; Gender issues; Physical education and sport
Official representative: Stefka Angelova Nikolova, Iveta Petrova Petrova
Members of the Board: Stefka Angelova Nikolova, Iveta Petrova Petrova, Adriana Ivanova Manovska
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Stefka Angelova Nikolova, Adriana Ivanova Manovska, Rositsa Vasileva Todorova
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