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Participation of ANGEL KINOV in the management of NGOs


Green Balkans NGO, Plovdiv

Region: Plovdiv
Town: Пловдив
Type: Association
Field of activity: Environment
Official representative: Elena Kostadinova Tilova, Hristo Nikolov
Members of the Board: Rakovoditel Proekt "grajdanskoto Obshtestvo V Zashtita Na Zashtitenata Diva Priroda I Prirodozashtitni Oblasti V Balgariya",upravitelen Savet: Valentina Mincheva Fidanova, Hristo Haralampiev Nikolov, Toma Georgiev Belev
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Nikolaj Petkov Stoyanov, Dimitar Vasilev Popov, Angel Kirilov Kinov, Valentina Mincheva Fidanova, Toma Georgiev Belev


Region: Plovdiv
Town: Пловдив
Type: Association – sports club/federation
Field of activity: Arts and culture; Physical education and sport
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Georgi Todorov Kyurkchijski, Nedelcho Dishkov Hristov, Dimitar Panteleev Kirchev, Georgi Milev Georgiev, Angel Todorov Kinov
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