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Call for Participants: Multicultural Psychological Counseling Services Training


Program Title: Multicultural Psychological Counseling Services in the context of Psychosocial Aspects of Migration (PAM)

Organizer: Stichting USED Amsterdam Social Enterprise Agency, Netherlands

Dates: November 24 - December 1, 2023

Location: Ellemeet, Netherlands

Eligibility: Participants ages 18 and above

Language: English (working language)

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to participate in the upcoming training program, Multicultural Psychological Counseling Services in the context of Psychosocial Aspects of Migration (PAM), organized by Stichting USED Amsterdam Social Enterprise Agency in the Netherlands. 

Migration, a global phenomenon driven by economic crises, wars, and conflicts, presents complex challenges, especially in the context of cultural adaptation. Individuals from diverse backgrounds often find themselves in new societies, facing language barriers, social isolation, and educational challenges. These difficulties can lead to mental health problems, emphasizing the need for effective multicultural counseling services.

Project Overview:
In response to these challenges, Stichting USED Amsterdam Social Enterprise Agency has developed the PAM project. This initiative aims to equip youth workers with essential multicultural counseling knowledge and skills. Through this training, participants will delve into language training, psycho-social adaptation, and cultural understanding, fostering their ability to support individuals navigating the complexities of post-migration life.

Training Details:
- Participants: 48 youth workers, 2 trainers, and 2 facilitators
- Language: English (working language)

Financial Support:
Participants will receive reimbursement for travel expenses upon submission of tickets and boarding passes. Travel costs (flights and other means of transportation) will be reimbursed based on actual expenses. Payments will be processed on the last day of the project. Accommodation, living expenses, and all project-related costs will be covered, funded by the European Union.

Why Participate:
- Enhance your multicultural counseling skills
- Contribute to psychosocial support for migrants and refugees
- Network with professionals in the field
- Professional development opportunity

We encourage all interested individuals aged 18 and above, passionate about supporting migrants and refugees, to apply for this transformative training experience.

To apply, please fill out the application form available here. For inquiries, please contact Elen Volkova at elenavolkovacheban@gmail.com.

Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of people displaced by conflicts and disasters. Let’s work together to create a more inclusive and supportive society.

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