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Кандидатстване до 13.12 за обучение с покрити разходи „Digital Tools for Civil Society"

До 13.12.2017 г. български организации могат да кандидатстват за участие в двудневно обучение Digital Tools for Civil Society в Атина, Гърция. 

Обучението ще се проведе на 22 и 23 януари 2018 г. с работен език английски. Организатор е акселераторът HIGGS

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Кандидатурите се приемат чрез този формуляр.

The TechCamp Athens will provide participants with:
- best practices related to communication strategies and how they can properly use the available digital tools
- the opportunity to be trained by technology and communication experts, interactively participating and engaging during the workshops
- the opportunity to network and create partnerships with NGOs both in Greece and the region. 

Participant NGOs profile:
- NGOs from all sectors are welcome
- Issues of communication, marketing and social media are quite important for their operation and development
- NGOs with a great experience and/or outstanding performance in the Civil Society 
- NGOs who are registered in the national NGO directory (if this is applicable to the targeted countries) would be an advantage.

The two-day TechCamp Athens will focus on the following thematic areas: 
- Marketing and Communication Strategy
- Digital tools and digital storytelling
- Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc)
- Social Media Planning
- Fundraising and crowdfunding

Please note 
- that all participants should have a very good command of written and spoken English, as the TechCamp Athens will be conducted in the English language.
- that the total cost for the participation (participation cost, travel expenses, local transportation and meals) in the training is fully reimbursed by the project.
that due to the limited number of participants, there will be a selection process, based on the provided rationale of your intention of participation in the TechCamp Athens.

Сходни публикации

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