Кандидатстване до 13.12 за обучение с покрити разходи „Digital Tools for Civil Society"
11 декември 2017 г.
До 13.12.2017 г. български организации могат да кандидатстват за участие в двудневно обучение Digital Tools for Civil Society в Атина, Гърция.
Обучението ще се проведе на 22 и 23 януари 2018 г. с работен език английски. Организатор е акселераторът HIGGS.
Повече информация вижте тук.
Повече информация вижте тук.
Кандидатурите се приемат чрез този формуляр.
The TechCamp Athens will provide participants with:
- best practices related to communication strategies and how they can properly use the available digital tools
- the opportunity to be trained by technology and communication experts, interactively participating and engaging during the workshops
- the opportunity to network and create partnerships with NGOs both in Greece and the region.
Participant NGOs profile:
- NGOs from all sectors are welcome
- Issues of communication, marketing and social media are quite important for their operation and development
- NGOs with a great experience and/or outstanding performance in the Civil Society
- NGOs who are registered in the national NGO directory (if this is applicable to the targeted countries) would be an advantage.
The two-day TechCamp Athens will focus on the following thematic areas:
- Marketing and Communication Strategy
- Digital tools and digital storytelling
- Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc)
- Social Media Planning
- Fundraising and crowdfunding
Please note
- that all participants should have a very good command of written and spoken English, as the TechCamp Athens will be conducted in the English language.
- that the total cost for the participation (participation cost, travel expenses, local transportation and meals) in the training is fully reimbursed by the project.
- that due to the limited number of participants, there will be a selection process, based on the provided rationale of your intention of participation in the TechCamp Athens.
- best practices related to communication strategies and how they can properly use the available digital tools
- the opportunity to be trained by technology and communication experts, interactively participating and engaging during the workshops
- the opportunity to network and create partnerships with NGOs both in Greece and the region.
Participant NGOs profile:
- NGOs from all sectors are welcome
- Issues of communication, marketing and social media are quite important for their operation and development
- NGOs with a great experience and/or outstanding performance in the Civil Society
- NGOs who are registered in the national NGO directory (if this is applicable to the targeted countries) would be an advantage.
The two-day TechCamp Athens will focus on the following thematic areas:
- Marketing and Communication Strategy
- Digital tools and digital storytelling
- Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc)
- Social Media Planning
- Fundraising and crowdfunding
Please note
- that all participants should have a very good command of written and spoken English, as the TechCamp Athens will be conducted in the English language.
- that the total cost for the participation (participation cost, travel expenses, local transportation and meals) in the training is fully reimbursed by the project.
- that due to the limited number of participants, there will be a selection process, based on the provided rationale of your intention of participation in the TechCamp Athens.
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