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Investing in social challenges

Investing in social challenges
The international conference "Investing in Social Challenges" aims at drawing the attention of the main stakeholders of social entrepreneurship development in Bulgaria, Greece, UK, Belgium and other interested countries on how the professional trainers and investors can improve social impact through the use of relevant knowledge, training, and tools. 
The following group of representatives of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem is invited to take part in the conference: social entrepreneurs, social ventures, social business support organisations, impact enablers, business leaders, think-tanks, policy makers, the training organisations, professionals who consult, mentor, advice, train, coach and facilitate social enterprises, institutional investors, social impact funds managers, bank managers, business angels, professional organisations of the investors, etc.


9.30 Opening

9.45 - 11.00: Keynote speakers

  • Béatrice BELLINI, Ph.D. in Management Sciences, Director of Positive Business Chair, Paris Nanterre University, France;

  • Ewa Konczal, CEE Manager, European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA);

  • Ben Botes, CEO SeedsLife Investment Group, entrepreneur, angel investor and VC with a passion for emerging markets and societal impact.

11.00 - 11.30: Coffee break and networking

11.30 - 13.00: 1st panel: The social venture good practices and peer networks role

Moderator - Nikolay Yarmov, CEO at CEED Bulgaria, co-founder of Centres for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development, managed by the Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF);


  • Aurélie Rompler, founder and CEO at the Creative District, a social enterprise established in 2014 in Brussels for accompanying and promoting the entrepreneurship in the cultural, creative and Media industries. Creative District creates coworking and shared offices space, spaces of interaction, socialization, and innovation in which develops a creative ecosystem in cities;

  • Marina Stefanova, Ph.D. and Chairperson of the Bulgarian CSR Specialists Association and Sustainable Development Director at the Bulgarian Network of the UN Global Contract; Leader of Kauzi Foundation;

  • Blazhka Dimitrova, founder of the first zero-waste restaurant in Bulgaria, Blagicha`s kitchen - a kitchen with a cause. Social cause: Providing work for disadvantaged young people; supporting various social causes - conducting courses for children and youth from homes and shelters. What is the underlying cause?

13.00 - 14.00: Lunch and networking

14.00 - 15.30: 2nd panel: Investing in social challenges or impact investment

Moderator - Ben Botes - CEO SeedsLife Investment Group, entrepreneur, angel investor and VC with a passion for emerging markets and societal impact;


  • Ewa Konczal, CEE Manager, European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA);

  • Milen Ivanov, representative of the Founders Institute for Bulgaria, founder, and Member of the Board of Directors of Horizons Bulgaria, founder and CEO at Angels Club;

  • Nikolay Yarmov, CEO at CEED Bulgaria, co-founder of Centres for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development, managed by the Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF)

15.30 - 17.00: 3rd panel: Train the educators and mentors of social entrepreneurs - needs, tools, and good practices

Moderator - Aris Chronopoulos, President of IDEC SA, management consultant, QMS auditor, trainer and mentor at the IDEC Training center;


  • Yuri Valkovski, Managing Director of Reach for Change Bulgaria, Financial Manager at the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation and member of the Strategic Group of the European Initiative Soul for Europe;

  • Yavor Gochev, trainer and mentor at the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Training at the BCause Foundation, Leader of the social initiative Treatment without borders, member of the advisory board of the Bulgarian Career Forum and co-developer of programs on Social Entrepreneurship at the Sofia University;

  • Milena Koleva MBA, founder, and leader at the Innovation Management Academy - a joint initiative of HIRON - Innovation Management & KISMC, training provider of the Global Innovation Management Institute in Boston, representative of IXL Centre, Italy for Bulgaria;

17.00: Closing

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