Български   3673 NGOs

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Participation of AFIZE TEJLAR in the management of NGOs


Non-governmental organisations Centre - Razgrad

Region: Razgrad
Town: Разград
Type: Association
Field of activity: Ethnic issues; Legislation, advocacy, public policies; Social
Official representative: Georgi Milkov Dimitrov
Members of the Board: Afize Tejlar, Dimo Borisov, Nadejda Vasileva, Dimitar Dimitrov
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Georgi Milkov Dimitrov, Afize Musinova Tejlar, Dimitar Vilhemov Dimitrov, Nadejda Vasileva Ivanova, Dimo Borisov Dimitrov

Home for Love and Dreams

Region: Razgrad
Town: гр. Исперих
Type: Association
Field of activity: Education
Official representative: Zvezditsa Asenova Peneva
Members of the Board: Upravitelen Savet: Dimitrichka Krasteva Angelova, Afize Musinova Tejlar, Zvezditsa Asenova Peneva, Ginka Vasileva Georgieva, Svetla Borisova Tsoneva
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Dimitrichka Krasteva Angelova, Afize Musinova Tejlar, Zvezditsa Asenova Peneva Kovacheva, Ginka Vasileva Georgieva, Svetla Borisova Tsoneva
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